Georgette Heyer: Sylvester: Or the Wicked Uncle

Sylvester: Or the Wicked Uncle

Author: Georgette Heyer
Number of Pages: 400 pages
Published Date: 05 Apr 2011
Publisher: Sourcebooks, Inc
Publication Country: Naperville, United States
Language: English
ISBN: 9781402238802
Download Link: Click Here

"Reading Georgette Heyer is the next best thing to reading Jane Austen."--Publishers Weekly"Rank, wealth, and elegance are no match for a young lady who writes novels..." Sylvester, Duke of Salford, has exacting requirements for a bride. Then he meets Phoebe Marlow, a young lady with literary aspirations, and suddenly life becomes very complicated. She meets none of his criteria, and even worse, she has written a novel that is sweeping through the ton and causing all kinds of gossip... and he's the main character!Celebrate the 80th birthday of Regency Romance with great books from Sourcebooks Casablanca!What Readers Say: "A truly brilliant Heyer with an adorable and very real heroine and a hero who is very human!" "One of Heyer's most unsung achievements, a classic Pride and Prejudice story. Hilarity and adventure throughout." "The hero may be my all-time favorite. He is so drily funny it takes your breath away. What a wonderful love story." "Hilariously funny, romantic, even touching in a subtle way."Georgette Heyer wrote over fifty novels, including Regency romances, mysteries, and historical fiction. She was known as the Queen of Regency romance, and was legendary for her research, historical accuracy, and her extraordinary plots and characterizations.